Welcome to Holiday Season 2022! Whew! Where did the time go??
We are just a day after Thanksgiving and still stuffed from all of the casseroles, comfort foods, and desserts that were prepared for Turkey Day! Now that we're in the midst of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, we are full speed ahead to the Christmas holiday.

December brings many things to consider. When you look around, you have to recognize the journey and the trials that have shaped you. You have to be grateful for all the things that mean something to you. What are those things for you?? For Turner Speech LLC it's the fact that we are still able to provide therapy support services to our clients. We are grateful for the children and families that we serve. We are thankful for being in the Vicksburg, Mississippi community. It is such an honor to be able to give back in our own way. We are blessed for the support that we receive as a small, black-owned, woman-owned business. Consider counting blessings in the things that you see and the things that haven't manifested just yet. Turner Speech LLC is claiming growth by increasing our footprint within our city and our region for the remainder of 2022 and well into 2023. We are claiming new opportunities and new territory for who we are and what we are destined to be! We are expecting to establish new connections with other business owners within our city and our state for the good of those that we serve. Please continue to support small businesses in your community. The smallest gesture can have large ripple effects....
Until next time! Merry Christmas!!
